

1,169,385, Patented Jan. 25, 1916.
Application filed February 8, 1915.

1" 0 all zitmm it may concern:
33c it known that I, Sr. CLAir. Eon, a citizen of the United States, residing at Dubuque, county of Dubuque, and State of T -rare invented certain new and uset improvements in Automobile-Robes, of which the following is a specification.

The present invention relates to a robe more particularly intended and adapted for use by persons traveling in automobiles or similar vehicles for the purpose of protection against cold, etc.
The objects of the invention are to provide a robe of one piece construction which will act as a lap covering, and which will also contain at its lower end pockets of box formation for the reception of the feet of the user; to form these pockets of boX construction so as to make them commodious and render simple and easy the insertion or removal of the feet of the user; to arrange the robe so that it will as efficiently serve as a lap covering as does the ordinary robe; and to provide a robe which is cheap and simple of construction, and durable as respects wear.

The invention further consists in the features of construction and combinations of parts hereinafter described and claimed.

In the drawings: Figure 1 is a rear view of the robe of the present invention; Fig. 2 is a plan view; Fig. 8 is a view showing the blank from which the robe is formed; and Fig. a is a section on line 4.--l of Fig. 1.
In the art to which the present invention relates, it is highly desirable that the robe should have a covering for the feet of the user, as well as for the lap. In the ordinary one piece robe, it is a matter of difhculty to wind or wrap the lower portion of the same about the feet of the user, and in instances where two or more persons are using the same robe, it is a matter of impossibility for all of them to completely wrap their feet. It is, therefore, highly desirable to employ pockets or other receptacles into which the feet may be inserted, giving thereby a protection for the feet without the wrapping of the robe. It, of course, Inaterially strengthens the robe to have it of one piece construction, and furthermore simplifies the manufacture of the sac .e; and a. pocket of box formation renders more easy the insertion and removal of the feet, since a pocket of this construction is of a more Specification of Letters E'atent.
Patented J an. 25, 15 15.
Serial No. 6,885.
open and commodious nature than the ordinary pocket.
The gist of the present invention lies in so forming the blank from which the robe is made, as to permit of the formation of a series of boX pockets along the inner lower side thereof, and at the same time have the entire robe, including the pockets, of one piece construction, with the possible exception of whatever bindings may be placed around the edges of the pockets to reinforce the same.
Referring to the drawings, and particularly to Fig. 3, wherein is shown the blank from which the robe is formed, said blank consists of a body 4, a lower strip 5, with the body and strip connected together by a series of webs 6 spaced apart from one another as there. shown, and the body, strip and webs are all formed in one piece, enabling the production of a one piece robe. These webs have pointed or rounded ends 7 to expedite the formation of the pockets. In forming the completed robe, the end 5 is turned up ard until it lies parallel with the body 4, and the webs 6 are turned until they lie at right angles to the body 1 and strip 5, as will be seen from Fig. 4.. Then at points in alinement with the spaces 8 between the webs, the strip 5 is secured to the body 4 by lines of stitching 9, the webs thus forming the bottom of the pockets, the strip 5 the sides and rear, and the body l the The outer edges 10 of the strip 5 are folded around the outer edges of the outer webs 6, and the outer edges 11 of the body are also folded around the outer edges of the outer web 6, and the edges 11 and 10 are then sewed together, as will be seen from Fig. 2, to form the outer sides of the outer pockets.
The body l of the robe will serve as a lap covering in the old and well known manner, and the pockets 5 of the box construction will serve as a commodious and efficient receptacle for the feet of the user to give warmth and protection.

It will be seen from the foregoing that the robe is to all intents and purposes of one piece construction, rendering it strong and durable, as well as cheap and simple of manufacture.
In the construction shown, the robe is provided or formed with three pockets,
although the number is of course optional with the manufacturer, and the entire invention is susceptible of modification provided it is maintained within the scope of the appended claims.
I claim:
1. In a robe of the character described, the combination of a body portion, a lower strip, and a series of webs between the body portion and the lower strip, said webs being separated from one another, and extending in a direction crosswise of the body portion and strip, said webs serving in the completed robe as the bottoms of boX pockets, the lower strip serving as the sides and back of said pockets, and the body serving as the front of said pockets.
2. In a robe of the character described, the combination of a body portion, a lower strip, and a series of Webs joining the lower strip and body portion and integral therewith, said Webs being separated from one another and extending in a direction crosswise of the body portion and strip, and said webs serving, when the robe is formed, as the bottoms of box pockets, the lower strip serving as the sides and back of said pockets, the body serving as the front of said pockets, substantially as described.
Copies of this patent may be obtained for five cents each, by addressing the Commissioner of Patents.
' Washington, D. C.


Filing system
US 1365388 A

A. ST. C.- EDE.
1,365,388. Patented Jan. 11,1921.
I A. ST. C. EDE.
Patented Jan. 11, 1921.
.jAL swonrn s'r. CLAIREDE, or DUBUQUE, IOWA.
To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that ,ALLswoRrrr b'r. :(JLAIR Enn, a citizen of the United States, residing at Dubuque, inthe county of Dubuque and State of Iowa, have invented a new and'useful Improvement in- Filing Systems, of which thefollowing is a specification.
This invention relates to filing systems or cabinets, and particularly to those having a rack and removable cards.
An object of this invention is to provide a filing-system or cabinet which will give easy access to any card desired WhlCh Wlll allow the cards to be readily inserted or withdrawn, as for adding data or 'for any other purpose.
Another object is toprovide a filing system having the fewest possible number of dissimilar parts, all of which are of simple construction and inexpensive to manufacture. i z i I 1 These and other objects which will appear from the specification are accomplished'by my invention which comprises among other things afiling cabinet havinga; rack, cards slidablein said rack; thesides of the rack acting as guides for said cards and aholder for each card. I
In another aspect my invention comprises a card holder for filing cabinets having a straight member with means for gripping a card such as returned or bent back ends.

Referring now to the drawings,
Figure l is a perspective view of a cabinet or case embodyingmy invention; F i 2 is a perspective view of a card holder, Fig. 3 is a perspective view of a card; Fig. 4 is a perspective view of astop for the cards; Fig. 5 is a horizontal sectional view on the line 5-5 of Fig. 1; Fig. 6 is a vertical sectional view on the line 6-6 of Fig. 1, showing the cards and holders removed; Fig. 7 is an enlarged sectional view on the line 7-7 of Fig. 1; Fig. 8 is a modified holder.
I haveillustrated my invention in connection with a filing cabinet which consists preferably of a number of sections 10 placed back to back and edge to edge and maintained in this relation by means of end plates 11 and guide rods 12, the latter belng secured by means of thumb nuts 13,. Each cabinet section consists of a fiat back portion with short sides 14 which are turned up at right angles to the back portion. The 65 sides are then carried around as clearly I Specificationof Letters Patent. Patented J an 11, 1921 Application filed July 3, 1919. Serial No. 308,612.

shown in Fig. 5 so as to form a deep groove, the grooves on the two sides facing each other. Holders 16 are formed preferably of wire with return ends having a rounded or bulged portion 18 and a raised end portion 17. This raised end portion 17 extends in a plane slightly above that of the lower corner portion of the bend 18 and, as will be seen in Fig. 2, exerts a gripping action on the front face of card and causes an inward bend of the card with reference to the plane of such bend 18. The end portion helps retain itsown card by lateral pressure thereon, but does not touch the top of the next lower card. The pressure of the column as in raising or lowering is transmitted through the holders alone. The length of these holdportion 21 when the front section and the rear section 20 are brought near each other. At the bottom of each cabinet section is placed a wire stop 22 which preferably has bent ends 23 which are adapted to lie in the groove 15 and be soldered therein.
In operation the holdersv 16 are first placed transversely of the groove 15 and then the cards 19 are fitted downinto place as shown in Figs. 2 and 7. Owing to the semi-cylindrical section 21 of each card it has a tendency to grip the wire holder. This gripping action is also increased by the pressure which the long and short flaps of the card exert against the back of the section 10. This action is more clearly illustrated in Fig. 7. Because of this frictional action when any card or any number of cards are shoved up they will remain stationary at any point. The cards are placed one behind the other with only the upper portion of each exposed. The width of this exposed portion is determined by means of the returned ends 17 of the holders. We can thus vary the amount of the card exposed by varying the width of the gap in the rounded portions 18. The indices will be carried at the top of the card. This may consist of may be a number or the name of a town, depending of course upon the purpose for which the card cabinet is used.

The desired information is then carried upon the lower part of the card; just enough of the upper part of the card need be eX- posed to give the necessary .indicia. It is possible therefore to get a great many cards in a very limited space by means of my filing cabinet. By means of this cabinet the cards are made very readily accessible. Suppose for example it was desired to examine a card marked A, it is only necessary to place the finger upon the card so marked andraise it and all of the cards above it until the de sired card is completely exposed. The card may then be withdrawn by pushing directly upward upon it, the c: rd above it remaining suspended or held by the frictional action which I have previously explained.
It will readily be understood that a sys-- tem of this kind can very readily be expanded without changing the form of the section but merely by increasing the number thereof, by placing additional sections for instance side by side and increasing the length of the end strips 11.

lVhile I have shown and described but a single embodiment of my invention, it is to be understood that it is capable of many modifications. Changes therefore inthe construction and arrangement may be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as disclosed in the appended claims.
What I claim as new and by Letters Patent is:
1. A filing cabinet comprising a rack havdesire to secure ing a back, sides and a groove adjacent each side, a member having returned ends adapted to lie crosswlse in said grooves, a card adapted to be bent around said member and under said returned ends so as to place the card under flexure by bringing the lower portion of it agamst the back of said rack.
2. A filing cabinet comprising a rack havmg a back and. grooves frontlng each other and spaced from said back and from each which the bent portion of said cardextends,
said holderzbeing provided with meansfor 33 cal bent portion thereof.
4. A-..card holder forrfiling cabinets comprising amember having a. straight portion and; returned ends, said ends extendingin a plane above the lowermost portions of the bends in said returned ends of said holder.
5. A cardholder'for filingcabinets comprising a straight wire member provided with free ends. bent to:eXtend backwardly and slighftly above the plane of the lower.- mostportions of the bendsin said free'ends.
ripping; said card below the semi-cylindri-

Double-ended filing cabinet
US 1414505 A

A. ST. 0. EDE.
1,4145% Patented M y 2, 1922.
Fig: 1f 2 SHEETS-SHEET 1.
1,414,505. Patented May 2, 1922.
cases in; M
nears gm.
- non Ln-nnnnn FILING CABINET.
i Specification of Lcttc rs Pat ent. ;pat tfipi 2 1922 Application filed Mayie', 192 1. 'sriaino. 470,048.
To all whomc't may concern: 7 4 Be 1t known that I, ALLswonTn Sr. CLAIR I Eon, ,acitizen of the United States, residing specification.
,. The object of this invention is to provide a f ling cabmetadapted to house a serles of filing cases so arranged that selected cases may be withdrawn from either end of the cabinet, thereby facilitatingfithe use of the cabinet and enabling two users to simultaneously employ the cabinet and operate the same from oppositesides o f a table, desk, or the like.
In the drawings: Figure. 1 is an end view of the cabinet showing the door liitedand the cases exposed;
Flg. 2 IS a sectional view of the same partially broken away from the center;
F ig. 3 is a perspective detail showing the arrangement of one of the stops for limiting the" initial movement of one of the cases;
Fig. a is a perspective view showing a corner of the cabinet broken away to expose the interior of thecabinet; Fig. 5 is a perspectiveview of one ofthe and V Fig. 6 is a perspective view of one of the guide rails. l w
i The cabinet is of. box formation, consisting of side walls 10, a top 11, hinged end doors 12,.and a bottom 13; The top and bottom of the'cabinet are provided with a plu rality of upper and lower c'o-operating guide 7 rails 14 extending from .end to end of the cabinet, and the ends15 .ot the guide rails are pointed, as best shown in Fig. 6, to facilitate the entrance of the cases into the cabinet. At each end of the series of lower guide rails, and in transverserelation to the entire series, is located a cross stop 16, as best shown in Fig. 8, which top is provided 7 with an abrupt inner face 1'? and an easy outer facelS for a purpose now to be described, although individual stops .one for each set of guide rails might be employed with equal advantage.
The cases 19 are of double faced formation, each face consisting of a single section having a back plate .20, having connected therewith side walls 21, each having along its outer edge a reversely turned inwardly opening guide channel 22, as shown in Fi 1, each guide channel constituting an cu?- wardly extending reversely bent rim flange 'ught angles tothe contiguous side wall .01 and in a plane parallel to the base plate 20, so that wien two ofthe sections are secured together back to back, as indicated in F 1g. 1, a center channel will be provided which rides upon the guide rail 14. The
channels 22' are designated to receive the hookedends of a series of card holders 23 avhich carr v' the record cards 24, as shown in Fig. 2, -the holders being slidable within the guide rails to permitot an inspection andi'emovalpf the cards as occasion mav ref the ends oipthe guide channels 2:2
quire; are rounded as at 22 to prevent scratching when inuse. If desired, index plates 25 may be secured to theends out the cases, but it these are omitted, the cases may bespaced closer together and grasped for removal by engagement of the thumb and fingers with the end connecting strip 26 which overlies the contiguous edges of the abutting base plates. 7 It w ll be noted from Fig. 1 that the upper guide rails 14 are positioned to aiford a clearance X above each of the cases, so as to' permit the latter to be slightly lifted, which htting 1s necessary: in order to permit the proxlmate end of a selected case to clear the abrupt face of the adjacent cross step, after whichthe case may be removed for inspection. Since the formation is uniform in each end of the cabinet, a case can be re- 1 the. parts canbe constructed in whole or in part from Wood, it so desired, wlthout substantial departure from the main features of the'pre'sent invention.
I claim: 1. In filing devices, the combination of a cabinet provided with a series of longitudinally extending guide rails, and a cross stop at each end of the cabinet, provided with an abrupt inner face and an easy outer face,
and adapted to permit a selected case to be lifted above the abrupt face and drawn over th stop and removed from the near end of the case, and adapted topresentits abrupt tially as described;
face to stop the movement of a case inserted 1 from. the opposite. end of the cabinet, subc each edge with a channel embracing the proximate guide rail, the case belng formed fstantially as described; j 1
- 2. In fil ng cabinets, the combination. of a cabinet, an. upper and a lower guide rail withinthefcabinet 1n spaced l'elatlon wlth one another,,a double faced filing case .slid
able between the guide rails and provided in of two sections of sheet metal secured together backto back, and each having sides extending at an angle to the back, and havlng the marginal edges of the sides outwardly" and reversely turnedto furnish card holder guides, the combined formation furnishingcalong each edge of the case the channel whichembraces the adjacent guide rail," and cardholders slidably mounted within the cardholder In filing devices, the, combination of a cabinet provided with spaced longitudinally 'j extending guiderails, a case slidable upon the guide rails "for removal at either end of the cabinet,'a'sto1 at each end of the cabinet,
channels, substanprovided with an abrupt inner face and an easy outer face, the stops standing in opposed relation toeach otherand adapted to permit thewithdrawal of the case'by lifting the same above the adjacent stop and each adapted to present its abrupt face to liinitrthe free inward movement of the case from the opposite side ofthe cabinet, substantiallyas described. I
4t. Infihng devices, the combination of cabinet, an upper and a lower guide Irail Y i within the cabinet in spaced relation to one two sections of sheet metal-securedtogethefj back "to back and each having sidesextendingat an angle to the back and having the marginal edges of the sidesoutwardly turned 7 1 to furnish along each edge ofthe ease the channel which embraces the adjacent side rail; and card holders mounted within the case on opposite sides thereof; substantially as described.