Edes Company and Family Timeline

  • 1846 - David F. Ede is born in Durham, Ontario.
  • 1895 - Ede's Robe Tanning Company opened in Dubuque.
  • April 1896 - David F. Ede incorporated the company with William Hockaday and Clifton Trewin with a capitalization of $15,000.
  • May 1905 - David F. Ede purchased property on the corner of Shields and Jones Street in Dubuque, Iowa for $3,000 from the heirs of early Dubuque capitalist John D. Bush and construction of new Edes building begins on 64 Main Street around 1905 to 1906.
  • 1909 - a large, two-story side addition was built for $15,000.
  • 1909 December - John J. Strelesky opens Edes branch factory in South Omaha, Nebraska.
  • 1910 - The Edes company was said to be the world's largest tannery of cow and horse hides.
  • February 1911 - St. Clair Ede marries Louise Domenig.
  • April 1913 - Birth of Marloe Jane Ede (daughter of St. Clair Ede and Louise Domenig).
  • December 1914 - Birth of David St. Clair Ede (son of St. Clair Ede and Louise Domenig).
  • July 1914 - World War One begins.
  • January 25, 1916 - St. Clair’s improvements in Automobile-Robes is patented.
  • November 1918 - World War ends.
  • January 11, 1921 - St. Clair’s Filing System is patented.
  • August 12, 1921 - David F. Ede’s wife, Margaret (Tuer) Ede dies from a stroke.
  • May 2, 1922 - St. Clair’s Double Ended Filing Cabinet is patented.
  • October 1924 - Death of David F. Ede, Founder of the Edes Company.
  • 1928 to 1930 - Edes supplies clothing for Byrd Antarctica Expedition.
  • August 1928 - David St. Clair Ede, age 14 dies after several months of illness during influenza epidemic (son of St. Clair Ede and Louise Domenig).
  • October 1929 - US stock market collapses.
  • 1930 - The Great Depression begins.
  • 1930 - Automobile cabin heaters are invented (Edes Auto Robes are no longer necessary).
  • 1930 - Dupont develops the first synthetic fiber, Nylon.
  • 1938 - The company is renamed Ede’s King-O-Fur Tanning Company and introduces a new catalog with a new fashion line.
  • June 22, 1938 - Death of St. Clair Ede.
  • September 1939 - World War Two begins.
  • November 15, 1939 - The Edes Company is dissolved due to hardship in maintaining the company with St. Clair gone, the war causing a hindrance in getting supplies, and the increased production of synthetic fabrics replacing leather and fur.
  • 1940 - Edes building sold to Julian Moes Wholesale Beverage Company. 
  • 1988 - Dubuque Edes building on 64 Main Street is demolished for construction of U.S. Highway 61. The State Historical Society of Iowa stated this was a significant loss. The Edes building offered one of the better examples of applied geometric design overlaid on a traditional faux cast iron storefront. The Ede factory was historically significant and interpreted the industrial role in Dubuque as well as the importance of processing hides from the slaughter house industry.